ORACLE-BASE - Oracle Database 12c Release 2 () Installation On Fedora 29 (F29).

ORACLE-BASE - Oracle Database 12c Release 2 () Installation On Fedora 29 (F29).

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Oracle 12c for windows 10 64 bit.Oracle Database - 12c Installation on Windows 64 bit 



- Oracle 12c for windows 10 64 bit

  Click the Downloads tab. Click on the latest version of Oracle Database 12c (x64). The software downloads page displays the files required to download the. Oracle Business Intelligence 12c () Downloads. For Linux and Microsoft Windows for Microsoft Windows xbit ( MB).  

- Oracle 12c for windows 10 64 bit


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Any help will be appreciated. I actually already tried to settle it for two days and see no hope at all. Thanks for your time. Not sure if is the driver i used is bit? Looks like you missed some basics, let's explain. When you want to connect to an Oracle database, no matter whether sqlplus or VBA or anything else then actually you would have to do it like this:.

However, nobody is willing or able to remember such a long and complex database name. So, you would prefer to use an alias, i. There are different methods to define and resolve such aliases see Managing Network Address Information , the most common and easiest way is to use a local tnsnames. Now the next question is: How does my application find the tnsnames. The answer is not as trivial as you might assume, see Determining location of relevant tnsnames.

Provider "msdaora" uses a different pattern to find the tnsnames. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more. Asked 3 years, 4 months ago. Modified 2 months ago. Viewed 3k times. Open strConn. Check your database name, i. The drivers should be fine as you get an Oracle error, i.

Do you use an tnsnames. Where is it located? Wernfried Domscheit Thanks for your reply. I was able to find tnsnames. Sorry think i am too noob in oracle. I doubt that the sample tnsadmin. These aliases are defined in your tnsadmin. When you say is was working with msdaora providers then it should be fine. Show 2 more comments.

Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Trending recent votes count more Date modified newest first Date created oldest first. In your tnsnames. Wernfried Domscheit Wernfried Domscheit Thanks a lot, i am not sure why, but is really the sSource shall change.

Not too sure why previously it works, changed to bit the same name not working. Based on your detail explanation, I checked through tnsnames. Really appreciated : — user Add a comment. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown.

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Oracle 12c client on Windows 10 64bit - Stack Overflow - Your Answer

    Wesley D-Oracle Posts: Employee Jan 15, PM edited Jan 15, PM Oracle Database/Client Installation / raises PRVF ON WINDOWS 10 Build (Doc ID ). Oracle Business Intelligence 12c () Name Download; for Microsoft Windows xbit: File 1 ( GB) for Microsoft Windows xbit: File 2 ( GB) for Linux xbit: File 1 ( GB) for Linux xbit: File 2 ( GB) for Oracle Solaris on SPARC bit: File 1 (2 GB) for Oracle Solaris on SPARC bit. When installing Oracle Database 12c Release 2 () server or client on Microsoft Windows 10 (version ), you may encounter the following error: The commands to automate upgrading an existing replication relationship do not work correctly on Microsoft Windows x64 (bit) for 12 c Release 2 ().


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